Creating and Cloning an Appointment

Levi LaClair
Levi LaClair
  • Updated

This article will walk through how to create new appointments and clone existing appointments.

Creating a New Appointment

  1. Navigate to the Appointments tab and Select Create New Appointment.
  2. Within the Create Appointment screen fill out the fields. Each account can have different appointment forms, to prevent doubling up work fill in the Account field first. Note: All fields with a red asterisk must be filled out before saving.
  3. Select Save once complete.

Cloning an Existing Appointment

The cloning feature enables the swift creation of appointments that are similar to those pre-existing in the account, automatically filling in the details of the initial appointment.

  1. Navigate to the Appointments tab and identify the appointment you would like to clone.
  2. Within the appointments tab, or the appointment viewer, select the three dots>Clone.
  3. A popup will appear with customizable cloning options:
    1. Clone field values(required)- Field values entered in original appointment will be cloned. 
      • If you continue with only selecting this option the cloned appointment form will open allowing you to edit the fields and select a new start time/date.
    2. Clone confirmed participants(optional) - In addition to the field values, clone the participants in Confirmed status, Consumer and ad-hoc attendees.
      1. Upon selecting you will can choose which participants to clone and if you would like to Auto-confirm interpreters and other participants.
      2. Next you will be met with a simplified popup allowing you to update the Subject, Description, Start time/date and duration.
  4. Click Clone or Save to complete.


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