Standard vs Gallery View on VRI Calls

Levi LaClair
Levi LaClair
  • Updated

While on VRI calls there are two main views to select between, Standard and Gallery View. Depending on your preference you can select between the two for the optimal conference experience.

Standard View

Standard View is the default view when beginning a VRI call. Your video will be smaller in the top right corner of your screen. The other attendee will be the focal point in the middle of the screen with a much larger video.

If you have multiple attendees, one attendee will be the focal point while the other users will be smaller in the top right next to your video.

Gallery View

Gallery view will present all attendees within the same size window. To toggle to Gallery view click the Standard view in the top right and select Gallery.

Additional Features

Click the three dots next to a user to unlock additional options.

  • Detach allows you to move the attendee anywhere within the window
  • Minimize will remove the attendee's video screen from sight represented at the bottom right of your video conference
  • Pin will make the attendee the largest and the focal point of your conference view. Pinning a user in Gallery view will automatically switch the view to Standard. 

Note: Detach, Minimize and Pin will only visually change your view and not other attendees.

For users invited through the Share Call option:

  • Remove User allows you to remove the user from the conference
  • Mute 

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