Notifications - Roll-Up and Reminder Options

Levi LaClair
Levi LaClair
  • Updated

Roll-up Options

With roll-up messages, Created, Assigned, and Scheduled notifications can arrive as a single summary email when it is convenient rather than receiving individual notification emails for each appointment. Roll-up messages can also be utilized to “de-clutter” one’s email inbox by consolidating Created, Assigned, and Scheduled notifications into a single summary email.

Example: if Roll-up Messages are configured to be sent at 7 AM, one would receive a roll-up message in the form of an email at 7 AM the following day. This email would list any new appointments created within the last 24 hours, along with information pertaining to when appointments have been assigned and scheduled.


To configure roll-up messages, first go to Configuration > Company > Communications > Notifications.


Select the notification settings card for the notification type in which you would like to enable roll-up notifications (Created, Assigned, or Scheduled). Then, select Advanced.



Click/select the checkbox located next to Roll-up Messages to enable this feature, then set a time at which the message should be sent.

Finally, click Save.

Note: Assigned and Scheduled rollup messages will only include appointments that are at least 2 days away. Appointments that have been Assigned or Scheduled and start in less than 48 hours will still arrive as individual notifications at the time they are assigned or scheduled, to ensure prompt communication for appointments starting shortly.


Reminder Options

Reminder messages allow one to pick a certain time interval in which to send a single reminder email to users in every role for all scheduled appointments the user has for that day. This time interval can be configured to send a reminder notification at a certain time of the day, or alternatively at a set interval in minutes, hours, or even up to a day prior to the start time of an appointment.


To configure roll-up messages, first go to Configuration > Company > Communications > Notifications.



Find and select the Scheduled notification settings card, then click Advanced within the Scheduled notification configuration window.


Finally, select the Custom Reminder option located under Reminder Options.


Reminders can be configured to be sent at a certain time of the day, such as 12:00 AM or 2:00 PM. To set a reminder notification to be delivered in this fashion, first enable the Time of Day Reminder option. Then, select a time to send the reminder notification.


Alternatively, reminder notifications can be sent 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours, half a day, and/or up to one full day prior to the start time of an appointment. To configure this, first enable the Start time Reminder option. Then, select a time interval in which the reminder notification will be sent.

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