Assigning Trainer Roles and Inviting In-Training Interpreters

Levi LaClair
Levi LaClair
  • Updated

After Training Roles are created, you can assign these roles to Administrators in your system.

  • To invite new Administrators (future trainers) to your account, go to Members > Administrators and click “Invite Administrator”
  • Users can only be invited by email. New users have to go through the registration process to enable their accounts.
  • Once a user is enabled, you can assign a role.
    • Go to Configuration>Company>Roles.
    • Click on the role you want to assign.
    • Scroll down to the list of Available Administrators.
    • Click on the user you want to assign to the role, and click the right arrow icon to move to Assigned Administrators.
    • When done, click Save.

Note: Administrators with the role of “Root Administrator” have a maximum amount of privileges and access to all modules in the system. They don’t need to be assigned to another specialized role in order to create training appointments, participate in them, or invite In-Training interpreters.

Inviting In-Training Interpreter

The candidate has to be invited to the role In-Training Interpreter. Any LSC admin whose role has the “Interpreter Training” permission set to 'Manage' has access to do this, along with any































Root LSC admin.

Go to Members>Interpreters. Click Invite your team and select Invite In-Training Interpreter.



  • New interpreters can only be invited by email. New users have to go through the registration process to enable their accounts.
  • Only In-Training Interpreters can participate in Training Appointments.
  • If you accidentally invited an interpreter in training as a regular interpreter, the status can be easily changed to In Training from Interpreter Viewer:

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