Only interpreters and trainers with permissions that match the appointment requirements will be available to add to an appointment.
To set up permissions, go to Interpreter/Trainer viewer -> Permissions tab and add communication types and language pairs applicable to the user.
When adding a language pair, please note that Specialized Types are exclusive.
You will notice that there are only 2 service types there: Medical and Legal. That is because those are the service types that often require certification and need to be explicitly added in order to route those calls/appointments to the user. Other service types in our system are more generic (e.g. Personal, Business, Education..) and you don’t need to add them.
For example, if only Medical is added as a specialized service type to English-Spanish permission, interpreters will be able to accept English-Spanish calls with ANY service type, including Medical, but not Legal.
For more information regarding general interpreter permissions click HERE.