Viewing Member Device Information

Quinn Bott
Quinn Bott
  • Updated

Device information can be important, especially when helping members troubleshoot issues. You can view device information in logs either at:

Dashboard > Logs > Scheduled or On demand 


Or in logs for individual members at Members > Accounts or Interpreters > Logs


Device information is quickly visible through icons. The first icon denotes the requestor's device and the second icon denotes the interpreter's device.

mceclip0.png  A phone icon denotes the member is connected through dialing in (IVR). 

mceclip1.png  A computer icon denotes that the member is on a web browser. 

mceclip2.png   A mobile phone icon denotes that the member is using the android or iOS mobile app.

To view detailed information about the member's device you can hover over one of the icons:


When you click into an individual call from the logs you will see detailed device information for each of the parties at the top of the Update Field Input window: 


Detailed device information is also accessible from downloaded call logs. In the call logs the columns for device information are titled Requestor Device Info and Interpreter Device Info:


When viewing detailed device information it reads Device Operating System / Device Operating System Version [space] Browser or App / Browser or App version


Additional notes: 

  1. The last used device will show for each member for appointments. 
  2. The cloud icon denotes a BHub call and is not related to device information for any members involved in the call. 

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