Update to the new Unified InterpretManager App for iOS (Requestors)

Austen Brockman
Austen Brockman
  • Updated

Update your InterpretManager App to the latest version to access our new layout and features, including:

  • Requestors can log in to request services on-demand or access scheduled appointments.
  • Entirely redesigned from the ground up - connection happens instantaneously.
  • Call notifications arrive faster and are more reliably.
  • Easier to manage your scheduled workflow.
  • Find appointments and calls with one-click filtering and improved logs.

*If your device is set to update apps automatically, you will be logged out when the update is installed.  Log back in using your usual credentials to access the new InterpretManager.


If your device does not automatically update, transition to the new app with these steps:

  1. Update to the latest version of the InterpretManager app in the App Store.  Use this link to update your app:
  1. Log in using your normal login method.

I am using the Boostlingo App, and don't see the option to Update

All requestors should switch to the InterpretManager App moving forward. You can download it using this link:

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