Update to the new Unified InterpretManager App for iOS (Interpreters)

Austen Brockman
Austen Brockman
  • Updated

To transition to the new app, follow these steps:

  1. Delete the app Boostlingo for Interpreters from your device.
  2. Download the InterpretManager App from the App Store:
    1. InterpretManager on the App Store (apple.com)
  3. Log in using your normal email and password
    • If you do not know which email to use, please contact your Language Services Company
    • If you do not know your password, tap ‘Forgot password?’ on the login page to send reset instructions to your email. 

The Unified InterpretManager App welcomes the following features:

  • Interpreters can log in to provide on-demand or scheduled interpreting for any language.
  • Entirely redesigned from the ground up. Connecting happens instantaneously.
  • Incoming call notifications arrive faster and are more reliable.
  • Easier to manage your scheduled workflow.
  • Find appointments and calls with one-click filtering and improved logs

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