Quickbooks Integration - Settings Overview

Austen Brockman
Austen Brockman
  • Updated

To Modify Quickbooks settings, go to Configuration > Company > Integrations and click on the highlighted Edit button: 


This will take you to a screen that will allow you to modify these settings: 


Add new customers to Quickbooks on invoice export -

Automatically create a customer in Quickbooks if none is found for a given Account invoice. OFF by default. 

Add new Vendors to Quickbooks on bill export - 

Automatically create a vendor in Quickbooks if none is found for a given Interpreter invoice. OFF by default. 

Use expenses breakdown while generating invoices -

Qty and Rate for Fuel/Mileage and Travel Time expenses will be shown in the QuickBooks invoice. ON by default. 

Use rate breakdown while generating invoices - 

Create line item per rate applied. ON by default. 

Allow Online Payments for Quickbooks invoices -

Allow Online payments for QuickBooks invoices. OFF by default.  


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