For security purposes, PIN numbers are required by default when requestors place a call over the IVR system. However, if you consistently place calls from the same phone number, this number can be saved to our system as a Pre-Authenticated number.
LSC administrators and Requestor Admins can both add Pre-Authenticated numbers. These instructions are for LSC Admins.
How to Add a Pre-Authenticated Phone Number
1. When logged into the Boostlingo web portal, navigate to Members > Accounts.
2. Click into the account for which you would like to set up a pre-authenticated number.
3. Click on Additional Numbers under the account information.
4. In the resulting pop-up, enter the number the user is calling from (not the IVR number) and select the user to whom the phone number belongs.
5. Click Add Phone to add the phone number to the Pre-Auth list for the account.
6. Once a Pre-Auth number has been added, you can edit or delete it using these icons: