Zoom VRI Configuration

Austen Brockman
Austen Brockman
  • Updated

1. Enable Zoom for VRI at the system level by following the instructions in this article.

Note: if you only see "Zoom for OPI" and not "Zoom for VRI" as an option during setup, please contact your Account Manager to enable Zoom for VRI. 


2. Create a Zoom Configuration Policy (or edit the existing one to add new Zoom VRI settings).

In the last step of the Integration wizard setup, there is a link that will take you to the Configuration policy page: 


The Zoom Configuration policy can also be found under Configuration > Company > Customize > Routing. 


Zoom Configurations tab: here you can create a new Zoom configuration Policy. Add language configurations and assign members (Account and Requestor level) Refer to this article for more information. 

Zoom Apps tab:  all accounts that have zoom integration will be shown here.

Note: each requestor needs to have active zoom integration in order for this feature to work.


3.  Find/export the emails that will be used to invite interpreters.


Those emails will only be generated after completing previous steps.


Can be found in Account Viewer -> Integrations tab -> Zoom


Email addresses for each configuration might be grayed out (deactivated) due to following reasons:

  • Integration is not set up for the user (applicable for VRI configs only, since OPI does not require integration)
  • The feature is disabled for this account
  • Policy restrictions (Service Type is not included in Service Type policy, Language is not included in Language Policy)


If email is deactivated:

  • Hovering over “i” icon will provide explanation 
  • Configuration with deactivated email will be excluded from the Contacts Export

Migration of existing Zoom OPI configuration


Zoom for OPI does not require any special integration. In order for it to work it still only needs to be enabled in the company integration settings by the LSC administrator.


Following changes were made around configuring emails for interpreter invitations:

  • All existing Zoom OPI configuration are moved to automatically created ”Migration Routing Policy”
  • In Account Viewer -> Integrations -> Zoom user can no longer create a new configuration, edit or delete. Available actions are: generating a new email and exporting contacts. All edits are now done through the policy.
  • New column “Communication Type” added to config table 



Integrating with Zoom as a Root Requestor Admin/ Requestor


  • In Root Requestor Admin Account: Configuration -> Integrations tab:

User is able to set up “Zoom for Organization” or “Zoom for User” following simple steps in the wizard.


  • Zoom for Organization integration automatically applies to all users under Zoom Organization Account
  • Zoom for User integration applies only to the user who created it


  • In Non-root Requestor Admin and Regular Requestor account

User will also have Integrations tab, but with only Zoom for User as an option.

Inviting Interpreter During Zoom session


Invite a new participant using Email invitation. Use the email link from Integrations tab in Account Viewer.



Answering Zoom VRI call as an interpreter


  • Interpreter can not take Zoom VRI calls from mobile devices (calls will only ring in the web) 
  • In the web browser caller will indicate that incoming call is originated from Zoom


Uninstalling the Boost Zoom App
- Log into your Zoom account and navaigate to the Zoom App Marketplace
- Click Manage > Installed Apps or search for the Boostlingo app
- Click the Boostlingo app
- Click Uninstall





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