Notifications by Type (Invoicing)

Austen Brockman
Austen Brockman
  • Updated


Below are the notification types which are configurable for system events surrounding invoicing.

Invoice Sent

The Invoice Sent notification would be sent out when an initial or revised invoice has been sent to another party for approval, such as a Requestor Admin.

Default: sent to Interpreter, Interpreter Root Admin, Requestor Root Admin, Default Requestor Admin
via Email, Web


Invoice Approved

The Invoice Approved notification would be sent when an initial or revised invoice has been approved.

Default: sent to Interpreter, Interpreter Root Admin, Requestor Root Admin, Default Requestor Admin via Email, Web


Invoice Rejected

 If configured, an Invoice Rejected notification will be sent when an initial or revised invoice is rejected.

Default: sent to Interpreter, Interpreter Root Admin, Requestor Root Admin, Default Requestor Admin via Email, Web


Invoice Marked Paid

When an invoice has been marked as paid, the Invoice Marked Paid notification will be sent to the selected system roles.

Default: sent to Interpreter, Interpreter Root Admin, Requestor Root Admin, Default Requestor Admin via Email, Web


Invoice Voided

The Invoice Voided notification will be sent to users if/when an Invoice is voided. All records(calls and appointments) are detached from the invoice and can be invoiced again.

Default: sent to Interpreter, Interpreter Root Admin, Requestor Root Admin, Default Requestor Admin via Email, Web


Invoice Sent to QuickBooks

If Quickbooks is configured, the Invoice Sent to QuickBooks notification will be sent when an invoice has been exported to QuickBooks.

Default: sent to Interpreter, Interpreter Root Admin, Requestor Root Admin, Default Requestor Admin via Email, Web

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