This article pertains specifically to the Key-Value Pair field type. For more information about field types, click here.
The Key-Value pair field type provides a secondary authentication method for requestors calling via IVR. Key-Value pair questions will not be asked for requests made by web or through the mobile app. They will also be skipped in Operator intake. In addition to entering their PIN, requestors will be prompted to enter a unique numeric value- the ‘key’. Within the platform, calls associated with this requestor will display the associated ‘value’. For example, this could be the requestor’s name, department, employee ID number, etc.
Creating a Key-Value Pair field
Go to Configuration > Company > Customize >Custom Forms and Fields > Fields. Select Key Value Pair as the field type and give the field a name/label. Create a description for this field and an error message for when an incorrect key is entered (both optional). Click +Add New Option and enter the acceptable key-value pairs. Click Create Field when you are done. To utilize the Key-Value pair field, add it as a field to the relevant Pre-Call form policy.
In the example above, the requestors will be prompted to enter their Badge Number when placing a call. The system will associate that badge number (key) with the appropriate agent (value), and the system will display the value within the logs and invoices.
If the key entered does not match any preset values, the call will not be placed. The Admin has the option to customize the error message that is displayed/spoken when an incorrect key is entered.
Similar to the other pre-call fields, admins can choose whether to include the key-value pair data on invoices. Unlike other fields, however, the key-value pair is required by default and will always be included in IVR.
Note: The maximum value for the numeric key is 15 characters and the maximum value for the value is 128 characters.