Roles – Overview and Standard Roles

Mike Ducusin
Mike Ducusin
  • Updated


Roles allow Boostlingo Partners to customize access and assign management restrictions for default administrators within the Boostlingo platform. Standard roles, such as a Watcher or Default Administrator, as well as custom roles, allow administrators to better define responsibility within your organization.

Note: Roles are only applicable to default administrators within an organization. Root administrators cannot be assigned a role.

Why Use Roles?

Roles create clear-cut responsibilities and workflows for each default administrator with your organization. By utilizing roles, LSC administrators can:

  • Mitigate errors and promote accountability
  • Promote Confidence and ensure integrity
  • Maximize operational efficiency while advancing greater security

Essentially, roles make using Boostlingo easier and more efficient!

Overview of Standard Roles

By default, the Boostlingo platform contains two standard roles that can be assigned to administrators within the Role Access menu: the Watcher role and the Default Administrator role. Details for these two roles can be found below.


Administrators can elect to “watch” certain accounts, or even appointments, within the Boostlingo platform. An administrator who is an (Appointment) Watcher can choose what notifications are sent out when watching appointments.

For more information, refer to this article: Roles - Appointment and Account Watcher


Default Administrator

Default administrators are administrators that have been invited to join your organization. Once an administrator has been invited, the user will automatically be assigned the Default Administrator role. The privileges for the Default Administrator role can be adjusted within the Role Access menu to limit access / viewability of components within the Boostlingo platform for administrators.

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