The Audit Trail is a chronological record of all actions taken by users in the system that impacts Rates, Permissions, User Settings, Logins, Policies, Routing, and more.
When viewing in the browser, the Audit Trail is located in the Insights tab.
Note: The audit trail is not available in the mobile app.
To filter actions by date, select “Click to select range…” located in the top left. This will open a calendar allowing you to select a date range.
Audit Area allows you to filter action taken by the type of action: Rates, Permissions, Login/Logouts, User Actions, Routing, and Accounts.
Roles of User allows you to filter actions taken by the user's role: Requestor Admin, Requestor, LSC Admin, Interpreter, Requestor Root Admin, and LSC Root Admin.
Users allow you to filter actions by a specific user or set of users. You may select from the drop-down menu or use the search bar.
Search allows you to search by typing a specific phrase pertaining to an action.
Reset Filters will clear any active filters applied to the audit trail.
See below for a list of actions captured in the audit trail:
- Reordering language policies
- Reordering fields in policies
- Default policy flag added or removed
- Fields are reordered
- Field privacy settings are changed
- Field configuration settings are edited
- Fields are added or removed
- Members are added or removed
- Policy is created, edited, or deleted
- Custom fields created, deleted, or edited
- Custom fields Reordered
- Creating, removing, and updating account rates
- Creating, removing, and updating interpreter rates
- Creating, removing, or updating rate overrides
- Adding, removing, or updating language permissions for interpreters
- Adding, removing or updating communication types for interpreters
- Logins and Logouts
- Attempted logins with an incorrect password provided
User Actions
- User invitations
- User deactivation
- Users are enabled
- Role changes (ie requestor to requestor admin etc)
- Deleting users
- Changes to do not call and priority lists
- Turning BHub routing on/off
- Account enabled
- Account deactivated
- Account deleted
- Announcement created