Selecting your Audio & Video Devices on Web

Quinn Bott
Quinn Bott
  • Updated

When accessing Boostlingo with a supported browser you are able to select which connected device you want to use for audio input, audio output, and video input. If no selection is made Boostlingo will default to the defaults of your browser. 

Note: Virtual Machines may disrupt your ability to connect your audio/video devices to Boostlingo. 

Here is a 2 minute video walking through the settings followed by a written walkthrough: 

To make changes to these settings first open your caller and click on the gear wheel (settings) icon:

Caller.pngFrom there you will see the "caller settings" with options for Audio Input Device, Audio Output Device, and Video Device: 


  • Audio input Device is your microphone - how you are heard. 
  • Audio Output Device is your speakers - how you hear. 
  • Video Device is your camera - how you are seen. 

To change your selection click on the drop down and select the appropriate device. Then click "Apply" to save your changes:


Sometimes when making a selection you will see a pop-up asking for permission to access the camera and microphone. In-order for Boostlingo to retain access to your microphone and camera you will need to hit "allow" on this pop-up:


This should not happen every time you make or receive a call but it will happen the first time and can happen again after updates or changes to your browser settings. 

If your selected devices are not available or permissions have been blocked, you may not be able to accept calls or they may be refused. 

If you accidently block permission click here for the Boostlingo support article walking through how to reset your permissions. 

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